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5 Marketing Tips For Your Company Blog

BY Rebecca | 15 November, 2016 | no comments

Maintaining a company blog is a bit different than maintaining a personal one, even though many of the elements are similar. In particular, the voice of the blog should match the vibe of the company, rather than being central to the personality of the person doing the writing. This is just a basic tenet of consistency over time.

So five tips for your company blog that would deal with marketing, in particular, would be to look for a methodology to follow, pay attention to flexible design, incorporate ads appropriately, maintain short feedback loops so far as design improvement goes, and be sure that contact info is easy to find.

Look for a Methodology To Follow

If applicable, find a guide on how to create a blog. Not only will this give you the most up-to-date information about different content management systems, it will also give you tips about things like how to incorporate positive SEO (search engine optimization) into your posts. You’d be amazed at the difference that good headlines, subheadings, and backlinks make in terms of overall traffic generation!

Pay Attention To Flexible Design

Flexible design templates, also known as responsive design templates, will help you out immensely in terms of marketing. Because half of traffic to sites comes from mobile phones, and the other half comes from desktops or tablets, it’s important that your content always looks organized on any type of screen. By using responsive designs, you will ensure that everything is resized and laid out automatically according to visual best practices and habits that people are used to.

Incorporate Ads Appropriately

One option that you’ll have in terms of making money when it comes to your company blog is whether or not you want to have ads appear on your pages. This is an important decision, because though it could help you with revenue, some people find that ads on certain types of pages are very distasteful, to the point where they will actually leave your site if they see them.

Maintain Short Feedback Loops

When it comes to a company blog, you want to make sure to keep your design and your content fresh and updated. And that means that you need input about what is working and what isn’t, what’s popular and what’s not. And inside of that information, you can figure out what to present next, when to present it, and how, according to analytical feedback.

Easy-To-Find Contact Info Is a Must

Especially because you’re representing a businesses persona on your website, you have to be very sure that your contact info is never more than a click or two away from any page. There are contact form plugins that you can use to prevent having to put your official email address in text form, or you can simply have hyperlinks to major contact pathways.


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