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The Three Pillars Of Online Marketing

BY Rebecca | 31 January, 2015 | no comments

If there’s one question we get asked over and over again, it’s this. ‘Where do I start with online marketing?’ It’s a complex world with a million different thoughts, ideas and concepts. The truth is that online marketing is different for just about every business. All companies are different, and that’s the beauty of online marketing. It lets you adapt around your services. It let’s you create unique and targeted campaigns. It is efficient and powerful. There are three pillars of online marketing. From there you can branch out in any unique and exciting way you like. But, these three should always be your foundation.


Online marketing all starts with content. In fact, the entire internet exists and lives and breathes because of content. When you browse social media, you’ll notice that your feeds are full of articles, videos and images. when you search Google, you are presented with reams of content in many forms. Content is the backbone of all online marketing. It is what gets your name in front of millions of eyes. It’s what people share and connect to.

However, good content is not easy to come by. There are plenty of myths surrounding it. The simple fact is there are no shortcuts, you just need to create compelling work. The key to content is engaging with people. It’s connecting with them emotionally. It must strike a chord with them so that they are compelled to pass it on. That’s the essence of online content: sharing. Create strong content in all forms. That’s blogs, articles, videos, photographs and infographics. Find a niche that is relevant to your company and take the time to create compelling content.


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Social Media

Social media is unavoidable. It’s an extension of human lives online. Millions log on every single day and share their thoughts, dreams and problems. It’s where we share content and exchange ideas. There are many platforms, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Of course, Facebook is still the biggest and YouTube dominates the video world. Twitter is also vital. Pinterest, instagram, Tumblr and Google + have their valuable audiences too. Learn which platform works best for certain content.

Finally, use it to engage with your customers. Build a loyal community of trusted followers. Offer them discounts and incentives and reward loyalty. Use social media to tell your story and learn from your customers. Use it to build a relationship.

Search Engine Optimisation

The third pillar is search engine optimisation. In the digital world, if you don’t exist on Google, you don’t exist. SEO is a complex practice. If you’re unsure, speak to a company that specialises in SEO in London. Essentially, it is an arsenal of techniques that will help you rank high on Google searches. It takes into account keywords and relevancy. It analyses the authority and number of websites linking back to your content. It also recognises valuable content and regular activity.

These are the very basic pillars of online marketing. There are entire books devoted to each of the three so you can really dig into making them work. Each of these allows you to put a creative spin on your marketing and target very specific audiences.



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